Today’s Challenge: Who is carrying the most weight?
Exposing yourself to a few brainteasers from time to time is an excellent way to keep a sharp mind on top of your shoulders. Like the rest of the body, the brain needs regular exercise ...
Exposing yourself to a few brainteasers from time to time is an excellent way to keep a sharp mind on top of your shoulders. Like the rest of the body, the brain needs regular exercise ...
Sitting down to solve a few brainteasers every now and then is a good idea. No matter how tired you are, you’ll feel better after you clear your mind with a puzzle. After all, giving ...
Recently, it has become a bit of a trend online to solve picture puzzles and optical illusions. Since most of us enjoy testing our abilities and limitations, it is natural to challenge friends and family ...
One of the strongest memories from my childhood is getting my hands on comic books. Some of them came every week—others less often. The ones that came with the newspaper contained various types of challenges. ...
The only way to maintain your brain sharp is to exercise it regularly. It is at least as important as keeping your body in shape, if not more. There are plenty of ways to give ...
To live a long and healthy life, we need regular exercise. Most of us know that. But many people often forget to dedicate some of that time to the most important part of the body, ...
I enjoy spending my free time with brainteasers: Crosswords, Sudoku, and everything in between. This way, I’ll return from summer break with a fresh and sharp mind. The only way to manage work or school ...
Solving a few brainteasers can help keep your mind in shape. In addition, it’s an excellent way to take a break from the obligations and responsibilities you get at the office during working hours. In ...
We all have dirty thoughts from time to time. It’s human nature. However, most of us don’t think of sex 24/7. Don’t get me wrong, sex is the best thing ever, but you can’t let ...
Almost everywhere you look today, someone claims they know the best way to take care of your body. Different diets, exercises, secret foods, and god knows what. Of course, it is necessary to be physically ...