find the answer

find the answer

Puzzle: Which glass contains the most water?

Who is carrying the most weight?

Exposing yourself to a few brainteasers from time to time is an excellent way to keep a sharp mind on ...

How many eggs are left?

Sitting down to solve a few brainteasers every now and then is a good idea. No matter how tired you ...

Find all the S's in this picture

Recently, it has become a bit of a trend online to solve picture puzzles and optical illusions. Since most of ...

Here is today's Tricky Riddle

To live a long and healthy life, we need regular exercise. Most of us know that. But many people often ...

Only a genius can find the odd cat – in less than 30 seconds

I enjoy spending my free time with brainteasers: Crosswords, Sudoku, and everything in between. This way, I’ll return from summer ...

Puzzle: Can you see the yellow pen among all the books?

If you want to live a long and happy life, you need to keep your mind and body in shape. ...